Double Exclamation Mark in JavaScript: Unraveling the Mystery

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    Hamza Rahman
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4 mins read

In this tutorial, we'll explore the double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript, its purpose, and how to use it effectively. We'll cover examples to give you a comprehensive understanding of this operator.

What is the Double Exclamation Mark?

The double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript is not a special operator per se, but rather a combination of two logical NOT operators (!). It's used as a shorthand way to convert a value to its boolean equivalent.

How Does It Work?

Let's break down the !! operator:

  1. The first ! converts the value to false if it's truthy, and true if it's falsy.
  2. The second ! then flips that boolean value.

The result is that truthy values become true, and falsy values become false.

Examples of !! in Action

console.log(!!true); // Output: true
console.log(!!false); // Output: false
console.log(!!0); // Output: false
console.log(!!1); // Output: true
console.log(!!""); // Output: false
console.log(!!"hello"); // Output: true
console.log(!!null); // Output: false
console.log(!!undefined); // Output: false
console.log(!!{}); // Output: true
console.log(!![]); // Output: true

Practical Use Cases

1. Ensuring Boolean Values

function isLoggedIn(userId) {
return !!userId;
console.log(isLoggedIn(123)); // Output: true
console.log(isLoggedIn(0)); // Output: false
console.log(isLoggedIn("")); // Output: false
console.log(isLoggedIn("John")); // Output: true

This function converts the userId to a boolean. Any non-zero number or non-empty string (truthy values) will return true, while 0, empty string, null, or undefined (falsy values) will return false.

2. Short-circuiting with &&

let array = [1, 2, 3];
!!array.length && console.log("Array is not empty");
// Output: Array is not empty
let emptyArray = [];
!!emptyArray.length && console.log("This won't be printed");
// No output

For the non-empty array, !!array.length is true, so the console.log executes. For the empty array, !!emptyArray.length is false, so the console.log is skipped.

3. Converting to Boolean in Conditions

function printValue(value) {
if (!!value) {
console.log("Value is truthy:", value);
} else {
console.log("Value is falsy:", value);
printValue(1); // Output: Value is truthy: 1
printValue(""); // Output: Value is falsy:
printValue(null); // Output: Value is falsy: null
printValue("hello"); // Output: Value is truthy: hello

The !! operator converts value to a boolean, making the if condition evaluate based on the truthiness of value.

Alternative: The Boolean() Function

While !! is concise, some developers prefer using the Boolean() function for clarity:

console.log(Boolean(1)); // Output: true
console.log(Boolean("")); // Output: false
console.log(Boolean(undefined)); // Output: false

The Boolean() function directly converts its argument to true for truthy values and false for falsy values, achieving the same result as !! but in a more explicit manner.

Which to Use: !! or Boolean()?

The choice between !! and Boolean() often comes down to personal or team preference:

  • !! is shorter and often used by experienced JavaScript developers.
  • Boolean() is more explicit and might be easier for beginners or developers from other languages to understand.

Consider the following examples:

// Using !!
const isIE8 = !!navigator.userAgent.match("/MSIE 8.0/");
// Using Boolean()
const isIE8 = Boolean(navigator.userAgent.match("/MSIE 8.0/"));
console.log(isIE8); // Output: false (assuming not using IE8)

Both approaches convert the result of navigator.userAgent.match("/MSIE 8.0/") (which is null if not matched) to a boolean. In this case, it returns false because the browser is likely not IE8.


The double exclamation mark (!!) in JavaScript is a concise way to convert values to their boolean equivalents. While it's a handy shortcut, it's important to consider code readability, especially when working in teams. Whether you choose to use !! or Boolean(), understanding how they work will help you write more efficient and clear JavaScript code.

Remember, good code is not just about being clever, but also about being clear and maintainable. Choose the approach that best fits your team's coding standards and enhances code readability.