Javascript add property to object

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    Hamza Rahman
Published on
3 mins read

Let us see three ways in javascript to add a property to an object. We will also see how we can use some of the methods to dynamically create the property key as well.

These methods are the dot notation, square bracket notation, and using the spread operator.

You can also update already created properties with these methods instead of adding them.

Method 1: Dot notation

One of the simplest method to add properties to object is the dot notation. The only downside for using this method is that you already need to know the property key before adding it, this way doesn't allow dynamic addition of the property key.

let game = {
name: 'Rust',
releaseYear: '2013',
//Adding property
game.steamRating = 9


{name: 'Rust', releaseYear: '2013'}
//After adding property
{name: 'Rust', releaseYear: '2013', steamRating: 9}

Method 2: Square bracket notation

This method allows you to create new properties normally or with the additional advantage that the property key can also be passed on dynamically from a variable besides the value.

let game = {
name: 'Rust',
releaseYear: '2013',
let newProperty = 'genre'
let genreList = ['Survival game', 'First-person shooter', 'Multiplayer']
//Adding property
game['steamRating'] = 9
//Adding property name and value dynamically
game[newProperty] = genreList


{name: 'Rust', releaseYear: '2013'}
//After adding properties
name: 'Rust',
releaseYear: '2013',
steamRating: 9,
genre: ['Survival game', 'First-person shooter', 'Multiplayer']

Method 3: Spread operator

Spread operator allows us to destructure objects and utilizing that we can create a new object with the additional property we want to create. The advantage of this method is that it creates a shallow copy of the original object for us and also allows dynamic keys for the object.

let game = {
name: 'Rust',
releaseYear: '2013',
let newProperty = 'genre'
let genreList = ['Survival game', 'First-person shooter', 'Multiplayer']
//Adding properties
let updatedGameObject = {, steamRating: 9, [newProperty]: genreList }


{name: 'Rust', releaseYear: '2013'}
//After adding properties
name: 'Rust',
releaseYear: '2013',
steamRating: 9,
genre: ['Survival game', 'First-person shooter', 'Multiplayer']


These are some of the ways to add properties to objects, they all have different advantages ranging from simplicity to dynamic key values and creating shallow object copies.

Hopefully, you find different usage for all these methods in your coding journey 🚀.